Product Updates
News from the Origin Product Team on exciting new features we have released.
24 Sep 2024
Instant Security Setup on Bloomberg
Our integration with Bloomberg enables the setup of a DES page with just one-click, and now supports Floating Rate Notes and Callables! For 1000+ Origin and non-Origin Issuers you can now use the integration for:
All programme types (including MTN and CD)
Fixed Rates
Zero Coupons
Floating Rates
The Send to Bloomberg feature is available at the Security Setup stage once you have completed or uploaded the Final Termsheet. This new capability reinforces our goal in streamlining the issuance process, reducing time and risk for market participants.
3 May 2024
Private Commenting and Mentions
Designed to streamline communication within your trade working group, with Private Commenting and Mentions, you can now ensure that the right people, teams and whole organisations are notified at the right time, keeping everyone in the loop without unnecessary noise.
Private commenting: Start private threads with specific users, teams or organisations to keep discussions organised and secure.
Mention to notify the right people: Simply use "@" and select a user to mention, and they'll receive a notification.
These updates will help you reduce communication delays and seamlessly collaborate on the platform.
3 May 2024
Enhanced Timeline View
We have revamped our timeline view to make it easier to understand and progress a trade, from start to finish. Here's what's new:
Clear next steps: We've improved clarity on the next steps to take to prepare, approve, and sign documents.
Key document details: You can now easily see information on document completeness, visibility permissions, and review status.
Proceed to next stage: If an approver is not available or approval is done off platform you can proceed to the next stage, allowing you to maintain momentum without unnecessary blockers.
These enhancements are designed to improve efficiency in progressing and give better clarity on the status of a trade at every stage.
29 Feb 2024
Black-lining Feature Update
We have upgraded our document black-lining feature, so now you can compare any doc against:
Previous trades
Uploaded documents
Different versions
Users can now quickly spot differences between documents, helping speed up drafting time and helping minimise errors.
28 Nov 2023
New Issue Pricer
Pricing Input Table
We are expanding the types of pricing users can complete on the New Issue Pricer. You can now price:
Fixed rate notes vs. mid-swap reference rates
Fixed rate notes vs. government bonds
Interest rates directly
Floating rate notes
The table has also been restructured to be more user-friendly with a section for reference curves, each issuer being priced, and any interpolated curve data calculated based on your selected comps. Existing features including history, swaps, and other reference curves can now be found in the top right menu of the Input Table.
20 Sep 2023
Flexible Editing
Our veteran clients will know the pain of trying to move a comma or reword a sentence in hardcoded parts of a document during a trade. The document generator now allows you to edit any text present on the generated documents.
Structured data is modified through the field inputs you are already familiar with and other document text such as field labels and document titles can be edited when viewing the generated document. These previously hardcoded parts of documents are now highlighted in grey as “Document Text” and can be modified using a simple click-to-edit when hovering over the relevant text region.
We are thrilled to finally bring you this long awaited feature, read more about how it was developed on our blog.
08 Jun 2023
New Issue Pricer
New Issue Pricer Soft Launch
Today marks a significant milestone in the development of a new product for Origin. After a year of design, iteration, testing, and development, the New Issue Pricer has been released into its soft-launch phase.
We are proud to share that we have a functional product for communicated Fixed Rate pricing data between DCM and Syndicate teams. Over the summer we will onboard a select group of clients to help develop our product further and improve its quality. We are excited for the official launch early next year!
03 Apr 2023
Rich Text Editor
Most of us are used to the plethora of features available for text editing and formatting on Microsoft Word so it is easy to take for granted that the product has been developed by hundreds of developers over decades. Although we don’t claim to have built a better text editor than Microsoft, we do believe we know our users on DCM/MTN desks better and have developed a text field editor fit for their needs supporting all basic functional styling needs and:
Copy-paste (from Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Pages etc.)
Mathematical formulas
Tables (including easily re-arranging rows)
This should make it far easier to populate disclaimers and fallback provisions of and other more complex parts of trade documents.